Sunday, October 21, 2007

Breakdown - it's all right

I've had a few bad weeks, hardware-wise. First my mobile phone hung up. Then my gps stopped keeping track. Then one of my cameras went blind.

And that is just my personal losses... the death of the air compressor system probably meant more to everyone else...

That is the way in the tropics though, nothing lasts for long. The real problem is how hard it is to replace the broken down stuff. I hope to get a couple of UPS deliveries this coming week, but you never know... one of them has actually spent two weeks in Dubai on the way here...

Meanwhile, on a more biological "wetware" breakdown front, we currently have a dengue fever outbreak in Yap, with cases of the worst kind of dengue - dengue hemorrhagic fever.

While this might sound bad, and one person has actually died from dengue during the outbreak, the statistics are on your side as long as you avoid mosquitoes during the day.

So that's what I am doing right now - praying for cargo and avoiding mosquitoes. Normal services will resume as soon as one arrives and the other goes away.

Listening to: Chuck Prophet having a children's choir singing "Let's do something wrong, let's do something stupid" and enjoying it.



Anonymous said...

Hej bror,

Tungt att höra att tekniken strular. Och se upp för alla mygg!
I Sverige är dock allt väl. Typisk höst med temperaturer mellan +1 och +10. Så njut av värmen.

Anonymous said...
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