Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bird song

Fågel-låt, by Pierre Olofsson

I got a new serigraph by my favorite Swedish graphic artist Pierre Olofsson today. It's called Fågel-låt (Bird song). Beautiful. Just need to frame it before it joins my previous Pierre Olofsson serigraphs on the walls of my apartment:

Unknown, by Pierre Olofsson
Serpentin, by Pierre Olofsson

There is an embarrassing lack of information in English about Pierre Olofsson on the net. I think I might have to do something about that....

And now, kind of related - my current favorite Swedish female singer/songwriter Frida Hyvönen, singing Birds with Jennie Abrahamsson and Marit Bergman in the dressing room before a show in NYC:

Makes me really happy that I have tickets for Frida's concert at Södra Teatern in December. If you can catch her on the tour, you really should.

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